Friday, 10 February 2012

The Quad of jewels, sparkle and Giveaways Feb'12

Recently there has been more of a demand for 'bling' on everything from phone cases, to shoes to bags and accessories. It seems everybody wants a little bit of sparkle in their lives in one way or another. Four individual designers with a range of skills @powercouture @crystalise_btq @lolabracelets and @SweetLilySparkl have teamed together to help eachother out, and give out some free goodies along the way. I am of course always onboard with free goodies - just for the record haha.

However, to get to the point these designers are only going to become more in demand with their bespoke designs and takes on their mechandise. Below i have highlighted some of their work so you can see and judge for yourself, and who knows a little Valentine's Day pressie to yourself may find its way into your basket, because lets face it you may love your partner, kids and friends but only you can pick out 'THE' item when shopping.

First of the Quad is Sweet Lily Sparkles and i will be biased and say i am a true, true fan on this website.
I personally love kooky jewellery and love nothing more then buying a piece i love, but at the same time knowing walking down the high street you won't see it on 10 other people. Sweet Lily Sparkle, based in Milton Keynes, drew me in with jewellery that is handmade and is designed around the concepts of sweets.

Iced Gems bracelet £7.50          Jelly Baby I-Phone4 case £20.00   Love heart rings £4.00 each

Jammie Dodger ring £4.00            Dolly Mixture Beaded bracelet £6.50

These are just a few of the designs so feel free to check out her website and remember these are polymer clay so not suitable for under 12's. Photos taken from website

Where SweetLilySparkles may be about the fun and the child in you, Lola Bracelets is all about the sparkle. The website slogan is 'let your lola sparkle' and makes 'super sparkly custom made bracelets.'
You can choose from full crystal, half crystal or build your own bracelets with choice of spacers, charms and of course crystal beads on (based in Liverpool)
Full crystal bracelet                      Lola bracelet                               Special design with charm
Bracelets are roughly £55 with charm £50 without and £30 for kids for full crystal bracelets. For all other prices and pictures, please visit the website

Sparkly bracelets are one thing, but Crystalise Boutique take 'sparkle' to the next level. 'You're not accessorised until you crystalise,' delivers a way for you to have every accessory from shoes, to lighters to i-pad cases crystalised to your liking. There are currently two types of shoes that crystalise boutique offer crystalised and they sell for £85, however if they are not quite to your liking you can send in 'new' shoes to have them blinged up for you (quotes differ depending on work done)
Glitter Encrusted Heels Gold Avaialble in sizes 3-8 these gold glitter peep toes show the crystal and pearl magic on the platfrom and heel and you would have no doubt that people would comment on these when wearing them.

Keep Calm & Stay GLAM (personalised with name 6 letters max) With Swarovski Crystal iPhone 4/4s£35 for an I-phone case with swarowski crystals and you have the choice of a six letter name being added under 'Keep calm and stay Glam ,' or maybe you would prefer a barbie themed compact mirror for £13. Yes it does look slightly kitsch, but that it what people want, individualised, themed and sparkly and let's face it, no-one can so no to a bit of barbie.
Barbie Theme Compact Mirror Photos and priced can be found on the website

Last but by no means least allow me to introduce you to Power Couture. They are probably the most famous of the four due to the bespoke tote bags being loved and adored by 'The Only Way is Essex or TOWIE girls.' The website branches more into clothing and bags, but till has a section for bracelets and this website even has a baby section.
The good thing about this website is that you have almost free reign once you've chosen your item i.e t-shirt to then design it how you want and then a quote is drawn up alongside your specification. This brings a good market for personalised clothing and bags and as the website says 'Spread the Sparkle' as they do their best to meet expectations
 Some of their previously made items, showing the free reign you have in designing, and if you get stuck they can always make something for you if you give them a brief idea or concept that you're going for.
£15 £18 blank tote and then in order details you wwould then add what you wanted. All items and pictures can be found on the website and it was true what Power Couture says 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but sparkles make me pretty.'

These four unique designers have teamed up to work together to grow their businesses every so often they throw competitions on twitter, revolving around re-tweeting the four names with a certain phrase and the winner can bag a piece form each.

So there we have it, hope you enjoyed the sparkles and bling

FrostinatorFashion xx

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