Thursday, 5 July 2012

Crazy for Ombres

Hi all.
I know it's been over a month since my last post (slaps self on wrist) I do apologise but I have been lost in my own little world of social media and feel like Alice down the rabbit hole.

For someone addicted to all things fashionable having an i-pad where you can summon pin interest, twitter, facebook, instagram and ebay at the touch of a button leaves me with many new purchases and 'virtual friends' but without time to actually write about the things i'm doing. Then of course my actual job and my two kids are also factors in my busy days hahaha :)

To get to the point of todys post, i'm in LOVE with everything 'ombre' at the moment. Ombre is a spanish word which basically means gradual transition of colour. You will no doubt have seen ombre hair, nails, lips and eyes, so below i've included a picture below of a very quick way to achieve the look.

To achieve this is simple enough and you can do nay number of combinations.

1: Here I lined the bottom lip with an orange liner and filled in the lip
2: Then Line the top lip with pink liner and fill in the lip
3: If you need the colour to be brighter you can use a lipstick and i did this with the top lip
4: Go over the bottom lip with a gloss with a colour that matches the liner
5: Do this on the top lip with a colour to match.
6: Purse lips together and voila

The colour fromt he top and bottom lips should merge slightly so there is a gradual change in colour.

Alternatives to this would be to shade both lips in one colour but leave a small area in the middle for a lighter shade, or add a white liner to the top of the top lip to heighten the effect.

I know this post is short and sweet, but i'm getting into a nail art, hair do phase and there will be many posts coming in the future. :)

I hope some of oyu try this and do let me see the photos.

Frostinator Fashion xx

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