Saturday, 17 March 2012

Mothers Day

I'm going to go slighly off the fashion track today as it's Mother's Day and all that.

If you had told me when i relocated cities to go to university that within 8 years i would be married to a hunk man and blessed with two kids (not in that order i may add) i would have laughed in your face.
The truth was that i felt the ripe old age of 27 -yes back then i thought 27 was old- that was the time i would start thinking about settling down and making roots, that was not however what the man upstairs had planned for me.

Pregnant at 22 with a pending graduation i had no clue what to expect from my future, all i did know was that i maybe younger then i had planned but that i would put my all into motherhood. Not that you really have a choice as motherhood is a pretty demanding role and if your not in it 110% you will find it hard going.

All the other holidays like birthdays and christmas etc they all revolve around celebrations and togetherness but mothers day is the day when you are celebrated for creating a whole new person and you don't expect a night of drinking or a roast dinner, instead you expect some sort of blobby picture that you are told is of you and them, a half buttered piece of toast and being woken up with sticky cuddles. This is however the best thing ever to me.

I am one of those lucky women that didn't try to get pregnant, didn't have any real issues with pregnancy and had healthy babies at the end of it. That in itself is a blessing as many women struggle with at least one of the above. It's times like mothers day when i get all goey inside and start sprouting off about how lucky i am to have the family i have etc etc, but then the card or heart rendered one liner form my partner reminds me its not family day... its mothers day.

Today i am being celebrated for those swelled feet and cravings of ice when pregnant with number one. Celebrated for getting a taxi to work when my tummy would no longer let me drive anymore. Celebrated for 2!! labours (i must be crazy) with a bit of gas and air and one water birth. Now looking back on it i think damn right, i should be celebrated. Could men cope with one day of morning sickness? boobs that grow 3 cup sizes with no warning? getting two kids up, dressed, fed and at nursery and still be at work on time..... i'm gonna say no.

Today i can have all the cuddles and kisses i want, with luck maybe a little present or a dinner in bed as my partners on nights and therefore asleep all of today but i do like a whole day dedicated to the mums out there. Remeber your mum, grandma or whoever raised you to be the person you are and send a little thank you to make them feel special.

hint hint Interflora are always good xx

Frostinator Fashion

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